Thursday, July 2, 2009

This Ain't No Party! This Ain't No Disco! This Ain't No Fooling Around!

I am in a very bad mood.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

It's official. California is falling into the Pacific, but it's not because of an earthquake. Governor Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency because of the legislature's inability to fix the budget 24.3 billion dollar deficit.

As of today, California will begin issuing IOU's to pay it's debts (except to the legislators, of course), mostly to the most neediest of the community.

Unemployment in California is at an all time high of 11.5%.

And, did you think you might want to save some money and go camping in one of California's 278 beautiful state parks? Think again!

If you're at all curious about where the troubles began, you can start here.

To top it off, California is in it's second year of a drought.

And don't even get me started on the cost of our new Anthem Lumenos Health Insurance plan (no really, you don't want to know...)

When life gives you lemons....

...make lemon bars.

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