Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Word that Means the World to Me

This year for Mother's Day I participated in Code Pink's A Radical Act of Knitting in Honor of Mother's Day. Code Pink was asking for knitters and crocheters everywhere to contribute squares knit in pink and green to help create a "cozy" for the fence in front of the White House. Green letters on a pink background would spell out the phrase

“We will not raise our children to kill another mother’s child” inspired by the words of Julia Ward Howe who wrote Mother's Day Proclamation

I knit a 4" x 4" square for my two kids and all the Moms in my life....

I attached a tag to each square (the Code Pink Organization hopes to be able to tell people where their squares will end up on the quilt....I'll update this post as new information comes in.)
here are some pictures...and this

Happy Mother's Day to Moms everywhere!

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