Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'll Take "What is Green" for $100.00, Alex

Green Produce bags made out of tulle...

It seemed odd to me to lug all my canvas bags into the grocery store only to fill up plastic bags with produce, so I made these bags from netting bought at the fabric store. I've gained enormous street cred with the cashiers at Whole Foods, and that is one group that is not easily impressed, I'll tell you what...

I'm hoping to put up a tutorial on this soon, so stay tuned!

Then there's

Fiesta Dinnerware teapot in Juniper

with another Kureyon Kozy in Noro Kureyon Color Number 233

Also, there's

Steve's vest which is coming along very slowly. I'd be much further along if it hadn't been for a mistake I made nearly at the beginning and had to rip most of it out (if you look closely you'll see the white lifeline I 've been putting in periodically so I don't have to rip the whole thing out when the next inevitable mistake happens...damn you cursed moss stitch!)

And finally

Irish Soda Bread and

Irish Stew...not exactly green, but isn't everything green on St. Patrick's Day (or something like that)?

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